Customer Service
M to F 09:00 ~ 18:00
T. + 82.2.587.5625
T. + 82.70.7594.3290
F. + 82.2.587.5624
Visa Process
You'd better to start preparing required document package after you send a complete resume to save time for visa process.
To teach English at a school or foreign language institute in Korea, you need to apply for an E-2 visa.
These are the documents listed below you need to prepare and send us.
*List of required document
1) 4 years BA qualification or above, Apostilled BA diploma
*Notarized copy of original diploma with Korean conulate seal for Canadians
2) Two official sealed transcript
3) A clear copy of passport (photo page only)
4) Apostilled criminal record check (National or Federal level only)
*Notarized original national criminal background check with Korean consulate seal for Canadians
*Must be issued within last 6 months
5) Two reference (recommendation) letters
6) 4 passport size recent photo
7) Self-medical check form
*You will take a medical exam within 3 months of arriving in Korea
8) Teaching or Language certification (ex. TESOL, TEFL, or CELTA)
- If applicable
What is an Apostille/Authentication?
Apostille: an international notarization usually issued by the state secretary’s office (US) or department of foreign affairs (other countries).
Authentication: *Canada did not join the Apostille, so they must get an Authentication from the Korean consulate in their area.
Other countries may also get the Authentication in place of the Apostille.
Once we receive all of the documents above, we hand them over to the school where you will work.
The school then submit them to the immigration office to get a visa number for you.
Job Hunt Korea will inform you of the visa issurance number.
You need to submit the following documents to the Korean consulate by mail or in person after you receive the visa issuance no. or letter.
The required documents package includes:
1) A valid passport & A passport copy
2) A completed visa application (pdf)
3) A passport size photo (2”x 2” color)
4) Fee: $45 for U.S. citizens (Cash or money order only; Pay to the Order: Korean Embassy)
Submitting your visa application via mail
(the consulate is not responsible for any items delayed or lost in the mail)
After submitting your visa application via mail, if you wish to have your passport with the visa mailed back to you,
please enclose a self-addressed and pre-paid Express Mail Envelope(with $19.95 stamp) provided by the U.S. Postal Service.
- Finding A Korean Consulate -
The United States
Consulates Holidays (Day-Off):
Saturday, Sunday
4 Korean major holidays
(March 1, August 15, October 3)
USA national holidays
Korean embassy in Atlanta
Suite 500 International Tower, 229 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30303
TEL: (404) 522-1611,1613
FAX: (404) 521-3169
Jurisdiction: Georgia, Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee
Office hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:30~17:00
Korean embassy in New York
335 East 45th Street, 6th Fl, New York, NY 10017
TEL: (646) 674-6000/6047
FAX: (646) 674-6055
Jurisdiction: Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
Office Hours: 9:30~12:00, 13:30~16:00
Korean embassy in Washington D.C.
2320 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008
TEL: (202) 939-5679~81
FAX: (202) 265-2127
Jurisdiction: Washington D.C ,Virginia, Maryland
Office Hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:30~17:30
Korean Consulate General in San Francisco
3500 Clay St., San Francisco, CA 94118
TEL: (415) 921-2251(ext. 106)
FAX: (415) 441-2954
Jurisdiction: Colorado, Northern California, Utah, Wyoming
Office Hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:00~17:00
Korean Consulate General in Los Angeles
680 Wilshire Place #201, Los Angeles, CA 90005
TEL: (213) 386-3112/3
FAX: (213) 386-3138
Jurisdiction: Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, South California
Office Hours: 9:00~16:00
Korean Consulate General in BostonOne Gateway Center 2nd Fl., Newton, MA 02458
TEL: (617) 641-2830
FAX: (617) 641-2831
Jurisdiction: New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont
Office Hours: 9:00~17:00
Korean Consulate General in Chicago
NBC Tower, Suite 2700, 455 Cityfront Plaza Dr., Chicago, IL 60611
TEL : (312) 822-9485/0017
FAX : (312) 822-0253
Jurisdiction: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Office Hours: 9:00~17:00
Korean Consulate General in Seattle
UAL Bldg, Suite 11525, 2033 6th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121
TEL: (206) 441-1011(Ext.20)
FAX: (206) 441-7912
Jurisdiction: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Office Hours: 8:30~12:00, 13:00~16:30
Korean Consulate General in Houston1990 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 750, Houston, TX 77056
TEL: (713) 961-4104
FAX: (713) 961-4135
Jurisdiction: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Texas
Office Hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:30~16:00
Korean Consulate General in Hawaii
2756 Pali Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
TEL: (808) 595-6109(Ext.213)/6274
FAX: (808) 595-3046
Jurisdiction: American Samoa, Hawaii
Office Hours: 8:30~16:00
Consulates Holidays (Day-Off)
Saturday, Sunday
4 Major Korean holidays (March 1, August 15, October 3)
Canadian national holidays
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ottawa
150 Boteler Street Ottawa, ON, K1N 5A6
TEL : (613) 244-5020
FAX : (613) 244-5043
Jurisdiction: Ottawa and its metropolitan area
Korean Consulate General in Toronto
555 Avenue Road, Toronto, ON, M4V 2J7
TEL : (416) 920-3809 (ext. 239)
FAX : (416) 924-7305
Office Hours: 9:00~16:30
Jurisdiction: Ontario and Manitoba (Except for Ottawa metropolitan area)
Korean Consulate General in Montreal
1 Place Ville-Marie, Suite 2015, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 2C4
TEL : (514) 845-2555
FAX : (514) 845-1119
Korean Consulates General in Vancouver
1600-1090 West Georgia St. Vancouver, BC V6E 3V7
TEL: (604) 681-9581
FAX: (604) 681-4864
Office Hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:00~16:30
Jurisdiction: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territories, Northwest Territories.
United Kingdom
Saturday, Sunday
4 Major Korean holidays
(March 1, August 15, October 3)
British national holidays
Korean Consulates in United Kingdom
60 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AJ, United Kingdom
TEL: 20-7227-5547/5500
FAX: 20-7227-5503 7227-5503
Office Hours: 10:00~12:00, 14:00~16:00
Saturday, Sunday
4 Major Korean holidays
(March 1, August 15, October 3)
Irish national holidays
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dublin
15 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
TEL: 1-660-8800/8653
FAX: 1-660-8716
Office Hours: 9:00~17:00, 12:30~13:30
Saturday, Sunday
4 Major Korean holidays
(March 1, August 15, October 3)
Australian national holidays
Korean Consulate General in Sydney
Level 8, 32-36 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Postal: GPO Box 1601, Sydney 2001
TEL: 2-9210-0228-0216
FAX: 2-9235-1642 E-mail: con2@korconsyd.org.au
Office Hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:00~16:00
Korean Consulate General in Canberra
113 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla, ACT 2600
TEL: 2-6270-4100
FAX: 2-6273-4839
New Zealand
Saturday, Sunday
4 Major Korean holidays
(March 1, August 15, October 3)
New Zealander national holidays
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Wellington
11th Floor ASB Bank Tower Building, 2 Hunter St. Wellington, 6034
PO Box 11-143,Manners Street, Wellington
6034, TEL: (64) 4-473-9073/4
FAX: (64) 4-472-3865
Korean Consulate General in Auckland
10th Fl. Toshiba House, 396 Queen Street. Auckland
Po Box 5744 Wellesley Street, Auckland
TEL: 64-9-379-0818/0460
FAX: 9-373-3340
Consular Agency of The Republic of Korea in Auckland
10th FL 396 Queen St., Auckland, New Zealand
TEL: 64-9-379-0818/0460
FAX: 64-9-373-3340
Saturday, Sunday
4 Major Korean holidays
(March 1, August 15, October 3)
Japanese national holidays
Osaka Korean Embassy
2-3-4 Nishishinsaibashi
Chuoku Osakashi, Postal Code 542-0086,
TEL: (06) 6213-1401/5
FAX: (06) 6213-0151
Office Hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:30~17:00
Fukuoka Korean Embassy
Fukuoka1-1-3 Chuo-Ku Fukuokas Jigyohama Post code 810-0065,
TEL: 81 92 771-0461/3,
Office Hours: 9:00~12:00, 13:30~17:00